! Under Construction !
In the past 3 years Yidei Eim emerged organically in the heart of Safed seeking to provide for a growing community of neshamot that needed a place to call home. That need continues to rise… so too did the need for a solid digital-infrastructure.
The original website was a patchwork to meet distinct short-term needs. It served it's time, and is now experiencing a rapid formal development phase. This development phase cycle will conclude on Jan.31rst 2025 at 11:59pm as version 2.0 of the official Yidei Eim site.
We hope that this dev-cycle will bring you benefits to make your time with Yidei Eim as smooth as possible.
Thank you for your patience and continued support.
! Unfinished Features Below !
Our History
History summary here.
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2021 -
This is text about some sort of seminal moment or important event. It may be the first time that there were 50 members at a Shabbos meal, the first lesson was posted to youtube and so on.
2022 -
This is text about some sort of seminal moment or important event. It may be the first time that there were 50 members at a Shabbos meal, the first lesson was posted to youtube and so on.
2023 -
This is text about some sort of seminal moment or important event. It may be the first time that there were 50 members at a Shabbos meal, the first lesson was posted to youtube and so on.
2024 -
This is text about some sort of seminal moment or important event. It may be the first time that there were 50 members at a Shabbos meal, the first lesson was posted to youtube and so on.