Every person that comes there feels like they are the one.
Member Testimonial
Ashira Bergin
Nov 9, 2023
Every person that comes there feels like they are the one.
Hello! I can't really summarize my experience with the Vogels in one minute, but I will try my very best. My name is Ashira, and I'm from London. I don't remember how I got to... I think I found the number off a random list, but that's not what's relevant. What is relevant is that the Vogels are inexplicable in how they go above and beyond for every single guest. When you're a guest at the Vogels ... I don't know how they do it... every person that comes there feels like they are the one, like they are the guest that tops all the others, and they are the special one. And they really are. It's really genuine; they really care for every single person that comes through their door, and even for the people who don't come through their door. There's so much care.
Even from the get-go, we got such meticulous directions that you couldn't get lost if you tried. The atmosphere is just so warm, but that doesn't even begin to describe it. Everyone feels like a unit. It was amazing. We'd all go around—like 30-40 people, maybe a little bit more—and everyone would introduce themselves, say where they're from, what they're doing in Israel, what they're doing in Safed, and what they're grateful for. And it was amazing food, divrei Torah and beautiful singing. You walk out, and you feel like you just left your own home. I really don't know how they do it; they just make everyone feel like they equally mattered.
It was just the most incredible experience. It completely changed my life. I've been back three times, and hopefully, many, many more times. It absolutely changed my life and changed the way that I view people. I don't know how, it just did.