It was literally one of the highlights of my year in Eretz Yisrael.
Member Testimonial
Tzvi Koval
Nov 23, 2023
It helps bring people closer to themselves, to Hashem, and to just enjoying life and being happy.
Hi, my name is Tzvi Koval from Cleveland, Ohio. I wanted to tell you a little bit about my experience at the Vogels. It was literally one of the highlights of my year in Eretz Yisrael.
There was so much love and acceptance in the air. Everyone was singing the entire Shabbos. There was so much delicious home-cooked food and snacks, and I really got a taste of home. I truly felt uplifted and was brought closer to Hashem.
It was unbelievable—the ruchniyut, the food, and the love combined. It was an incredible and uplifting Shabbos, and I think anyone who experiences it will definitely get closer to Hashem. So I strongly believe anyone who can help out would be doing a great mitzvah for anyone in need of that kind of uplifting Shabbos experience.
I would strongly support it. If you have extra money to give to tzedakah, or even if you don't, I would definitely say it's a huge mitzvah to give and support this cause. It helps bring people closer to themselves, to Hashem, and to just enjoying life and being happy. Thanks so much.